Cruis'n USA
OS and Audio Functions
0x8011fbc0,osCreateThread 0x8011fd10,osStartThread 0x8011ffe0,osCreateMesgQueue 0x80120370,osViSetMode 0x801203e0,osViSetSpecialFeatures 0x801205a0,osViSetEvent 0x80120610,osViBlack 0x80120680,alHeapInit 0x801223a0,osEepromProbe 0x80122690,osRecvMesg 0x801227d0,osWritebackDCache 0x80122850,osInvalDCache 0x80122900,osInvalICache 0x80122a90,osSetEventMesg 0x80122b00,osSpTaskYielded 0x80122b80,osViSwapBuffer 0x80122bd0,osViGetCurrentFramebuffer 0x80122bd0,osViGetNextFramebuffer 0x80122c10,osSpTaskYield 0x80122c30,osSendMesg 0x80122d80,osWritebackDCacheAll 0x80122ecc,osSpTaskLoad 0x8012302c,osSpTaskStartGo 0x80123120,osGetTime 0x801231b0,__ull_rshift 0x801231dc,__ull_rem 0x80123218,__ull_div 0x80123254,__ll_lshift 0x80123280,__ll_rem 0x801232bc,__ll_div 0x80123318,__ll_mul 0x80123348,__ull_divremi 0x801233a8,__ll_mod 0x80123444,__ll_rshift 0x80123480,osAiSetFrequency 0x801235e0,alHeapDBAlloc 0x80123640,alUnlink 0x80123670,alLink 0x80123694,alClose 0x801236cc,alInit 0x80123700,osVirtualToPhysical 0x80123780,osAiSetNextBuffer 0x80123830,osAiGetLength 0x80123f10,alSynAddPlayer 0x80123f60,_allocatePVoice 0x80124048,alSynAllocVoice 0x80124190,alSynStartVoiceParams 0x80124280,alSynSetPitch 0x80124310,alSynSetVol 0x801243b0,alSynSetPan 0x80124440,alSynStopVoice 0x801244c0,alSynFreeVoice 0x80124570,alSynSetPriority 0x80124580,osSetTimer 0x80124660,osContStartReadData 0x80124724,osContGetReadData 0x801248c0,osContStartQuery 0x80124944,osContGetQuery 0x80124970,__d_to_ll 0x8012498c,__f_to_ll 0x801249a8,__d_to_ull 0x80124a48,__f_to_ull 0x80124ae4,__ll_to_d 0x80124afc,__ll_to_f 0x80124b14,__ull_to_d 0x80124b48,__ull_to_f 0x80124b80,__osSetSR 0x80124b90,__osGetSR 0x80124ba0,__osSetFpcCsr 0x80124bb0,__osSiRawReadIo 0x80124bb0,__osSpRawReadIo 0x80124c00,__osSiRawWriteIo 0x80124c00,__osSpRawWriteIo 0x801254c0,osMapTLBRdb 0x80125520,osPiRawReadIo 0x801255c0,bzero/_bzero/blkclr/_blkclr 0x80125660,__osDisableInt 0x80125680,__osRestoreInt 0x801256a0,__osDequeueThread 0x801257a0,osGetThreadPri 0x801257c0,osSetThreadPri 0x801258a0,osPiRawStartDma 0x80126040,__osViSwapContext 0x801263a0,osGetCount 0x80126470,__osSiRawStartDma 0x80127e10,__osContRamRead 0x80128390,__osContRamWrite 0x80128740,osEepromWrite 0x801289fc,__osEepStatus 0x80128c20,osEepromRead 0x8012af80,alSynAllocFX 0x8012b020,alMainBusParam 0x8012b050,alMainBusPull 0x8012b170,alLoadParam 0x8012b344,alRaw16Pull 0x8012b81c,alAdpcmPull 0x8012bcc0,alResampleParam 0x8012bdac,alResamplePull 0x8012bfc0,_ldexpf 0x8012bfe8,_frexpf 0x8012c0d4,alEnvmixerParam 0x8012c6cc,alEnvmixerPull 0x8012cc20,alAuxBusParam 0x8012cc50,alAuxBusPull 0x8012cd30,alSaveParam 0x8012cd64,alSavePull 0x8012ce50,__osSiDeviceBusy 0x8012d430,osDestroyThread 0x8012d530,__osSetCompare 0x8012d540,__osContAddressCrc 0x8012d5f0,__osContDataCrc 0x8012e790,alFilterNew 0x8012f3c0,alCopy 0x8012f440,__osGetCause 0x8012f450,__osAtomicDec 0x8012f4b0,lldiv 0x8012f5b0,ldiv 0x8013a580,osViModeNtscLpn1 0x8013a5d0,osViModeNtscLpf1 0x8013a670,osViModeNtscLaf1 0x8013a6c0,osViModeNtscLpn2 0x8013a710,osViModeNtscLpf2 0x8013a760,osViModeNtscLan2 0x8013a7b0,osViModeNtscLaf2 0x8013a800,osViModeNtscHpn1 0x8013a850,osViModeNtscHpf1 0x8013a8a0,osViModeNtscHan1 0x8013a8f0,osViModeNtscHaf1 0x8013a940,osViModeNtscHpn2 0x8013a990,osViModeNtscHpf2 0x8013a9e0,osViModeMpalLpn1 0x8013aa30,osViModeMpalLpf1 0x8013aa80,osViModeMpalLan1 0x8013aad0,osViModeMpalLaf1 0x8013ab20,osViModeMpalLpn2 0x8013ab70,osViModeMpalLpf2 0x8013abc0,osViModeMpalLan2 0x8013ac10,osViModeMpalLaf2 0x8013ac60,osViModeMpalHpn1 0x8013acb0,osViModeMpalHpf1 0x8013ad00,osViModeMpalHan1 0x8013ad50,osViModeMpalHaf1 0x8013ada0,osViModeMpalHpn2 0x8013adf0,osViModeMpalHpf2 0x8013bdb0,__osRcpImTable
File Table
In Rom
Start 0x80590 End 0x98CC4 The file table is 18734 bytes long (including header) Header: 00 00 30 E6 Example File1: 30 00 02 08 03 01 87 34 XX YY YY YY ZZ AA AA AA X = Unkown Y = File size Z = File type? 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0B (only saw twice at the beginning) 0C (only saw once) A = Offset of the file relative to 0x80590
Misc Notes
Notes by BoringPerson
Roadkill Collision
In the arcade version of Cruis'n USA, there are cows and deer on the road that will explode into chunks if you hit them. This was removed from the Nintendo 64 version.
In the Nintendo 64 version, there are different collision types. There's one for objects that go flying like mailboxes, and another for road signs that flatten when you hit them. There is also an unused collision type Template:Hex. When you crash into an object of this type, the object disappears and you spin out. As it turns out, this is the roadkill collision that was removed from the Nintendo 64 version of Cruis'n USA. There is also an explosion of chunks just like in the arcade version, but all the chunks are invisible.
Force roadkill-type collisions
The code below will turn many collisions (like with mailboxes, barrels, and orange-and-white signs) into roadkill collisions. The chunks will still be invisible.
Cruis'n USA (U) (V1.0) Force many collisions to be roadkill collision 81040D08 0000 81040D0A 0000 81041A20 0000 81041A22 0000 81041A2C 0000 81041A2E 0000
The first two lines force Template:Hex-type collision for those objects, and the last four keep the game from freezing.
One sign in Iowa explodes into chunks (other models)
The code below will make the first orange-and-white sign at the tollbooth in Iowa explode into chunks when you hit it. The chunks will be other models found in the stage. You must turn off racers and traffic before entering the race, and don't enable the codes until you can see the tollbooth in Iowa.
Cruis'n USA (U) (V1.0) First orange and-white sign at Iowa tollbooth explodes into various models when hit * Turn off Racers and Traffic before entering the race * Don't enable these codes until you see the tollbooth 801FA36B 00F0 81045418 8015 8104541A 8FC4 81045428 8015 8104542A 8D5C 81045438 8015 8104543A 8E58 81045448 8015 8104544A 8DCC 81041A20 0000 81041A22 0000 81041A2C 0000 81041A2E 0000
The first line changes the collision type of that sign to Template:Hex. The next eight lines turn the invisible chunk models into other models. As before, the last four lines keep the game from freezing. This code will not work on other stages because of how models and objects move around in memory.
When you run into the first orange-and-white sign in Iowa, the values for the roadkill chunk models are read from four places in memory:
address: | value: | model: |
80045410: | 00000000 | no model |
80045420: | 00000000 | no model |
80045430: | 00000000 | no model |
80045440: | 00000000 | no model |
As you see, all four of these places normally have a value of 00000000, which is why the roadkill chunks are invisible.
Using the addresses above, the game creates roadkill chunks in this order upon collision. (Only showing the last two digits of each address):
10 20 20 30 40 10 10 20 20 30 40 10 10 20 20 30 40 10
That's a total of 18 roadkill chunks. All of the chunks are created during the same frame except the last one (italicized above), which is created during the next frame.