Chameleon Twist 2

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80164508 - 0x3F unlock level
800C7CE4 - check if level unlocked when press L/R
800C7C64 - check controller state for left/right
8003BAA8 - play sound command
800C8444 - start of selected level
800C847C - stores which level was selected
80028A10 - read level byte (801644F4)
80028874 - last to read before crash with above 0x32
801fed50 - level table (bank 0x01 at 0x216CF0)
8003C174 - writes music id for level (80169084)
800AD8CC - sets music for intro cutscene
800AD8A8 - incremenets cutscene counter
800fa4c0 - table of cutscenes (read by 800AD76C)

0x1E: 0x77B0E8-0x78CF40 (8022FC40)
Sky Land: 0x75F060-0x763EC0

0x3E10: ADDIU V0, R0, $0001 //FORCE LEVEL TYPE
0xA3878: ADDIU T5, R0, $0007 //CHANGE LEVEL
0x17560: ADDIU A2, R0, $0017 //FORCE MUSIC

0xD15D4: 02 80 9C 8D 
0xD15DC: 02 80 9C 8D 

Interesting Level ID:
07 - Incomplete Carnival Land
0A - Unused Edo Land
12 - Black Death
13 - Black Death
14 - Unused Edo Land
1D - Empty Logo Room
1E - Intro
1F - Incomplete Pyramid Land
20 - Credits Area 1
21 - Credits Area 2
22 - Credits Area 3
23 - Credits Area 4
24 - Credits Area 5
25 - Final Cutscene

Sub Area ID:
0B 0C 0D 0E 
0F 10 11 15 
16 17 18 19 
1A 1B 1C 26 
27 28 29 2A
2B 2C 2D 2E 
2F 30 31 32

80028874 - crash following here somewhere
8002888C - freeze in this JAL, involves 80205000
80028144 - problem starts here, T2 does not point to the script
801fedb4 - points to 80205000 for level script, this is wrong (stored by 80027894)
800B194C - tongue sound
800B1B48 - player behavior
80029E6C/0x526C: NOP
8020B160 - cause of no chameleon behavior
..80028C88 - jumps to 80028ED8 (800f61d0) should be all 80028D9C