AI Registers Detailed

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Taken from Lac's hw-dox.

Trainer examples

heres how one way to make sound on N64 :
Crazy nation trainer  (xtremeG version)

     [we tested button and its time to make sound!]
       lui     $t4,8031       ;make pointer to 'yes' sound
       addiu   $t4,$t4,4F10   ;80314f10 = start
       addiu   $t5,$zero,4A71 ;4A71=length
       addiu   $t6,$zero,1388 ;1388= DAC rate
       addiu   $t7,$zero,0001 ;1=BIT rate
       jal     here
    [draw yes]

   [we tested button and time to make 'no' sound]
         lui     $t4,8031        ;make pointer to 'no' sound
         addiu   $t4,$t4,12C4    ;803112C4
         addiu   $t5,$zero,3C45  ;3C45=length
         addiu   $t6,$zero,1388  ;DAC rate
         addiu   $t7,$zero,0001  ;1=BIT rate
         jal     here
    [draw no]

         [...initialize vid, audio]
           addiu   $t4,$zero,0000  ;[blank out sound]
           addiu   $t5,$zero,0000  ;initialize
           addiu   $t6,$zero,0001
           addiu   $t7,$zero,0001
here:      lui     $t8,A450
           sw      $t4,0000($t8)  ;start RDRAM address
           sw      $t5,0004($t8)  ;length
           addiu   $t9,$zero,0001 
           sw      $t9,0008($t8)  ;1 = enable dma
           sw      $t6,0010($t8)  ;dac rate 
           sw      $t7,0014($t8)  ;bit rate 
           jr      $ra


None needed. Although, I suppose you can include setting the sound frequency and/or enabling the AI_CONTROL_REG as initialization (step #4 below)

Setting Frequency

1. Set the dac rate
       write to AI_DACRATE_REG this value: (VI_NTSC_CLOCK/freq)-1
                                                ^could be pal
     2. Set the bitrate (4bit, 8bit, or 16bit)
       write to the AI_BITRATE_REG the value: bitrate-1

Sending Sound Buffer

1. Before sending a buffer, its a good idea to make sure one isnt already
       being played.  Simply read AI_STATUS_REG then AND it with
       AI_STATUS_FIFO_FULL.  if the result is true... then wait.

    2. Write the 64bit aligned address of the sound buffer to AI_DRAM_ADDR_REG

    3. Write the length of the buffer be played to AI_LEN_REG
       NOTE: this length must be multiple of 8, no larger than 262144 bytes.

    4. Write AI_CONTROL_DMA_ON to the AI_CONTROL_REG (only needed once)

  * end sound buffer     

NOTE: If you have read the libultra manuals you will notice when it discusses the AI routines ( it says the AI regs are double buffered.
This is important to realize that you can send one buffer while another is playing. Also note that the AI_LEN_REG counts down to 0 as the current buffer
is being played. This can be useful to tell how much of the buffer is left.